The Dark Woods
The quiet darkness of the morning invites my soul to breath. It’s been a challenging week – but I laugh off that thought when I think to the Syrian refuges. I pray for them as my heart absorbs peace with gratitude for all I see around me. How blessed am I sitting here in the dark awaiting the dawn. There are dark woods behind every home. Most people spend a lifetime (and a fortune) avoiding going into those woods as indeed scary beasts live there. Real beasts that can kill unless Grace sweeps though and shields. Unfortunately, I was hurled deep in the woods years ago and spent a great deal of time yelling for help. After many years the damsel finally got the memo: “No one is coming to save you - get off your duff and start walking.” Begrudgingly I did – but bemoaned my fate and mumbling socially accepted obscenities to the mud whilst trying to maintain some semblance of dignity. More than once the cloak of anger and bargaining kept me warm ...