
Showing posts from March, 2017

Roots to Wings

Oct 07, 2016 11:28am There is a deep sadness that veils a mother’s heart when she sees her mothering days are at an end. It’s not a sudden awareness. We know the sun will set every day and yet we don’t think about it when we are enjoying it’s rays on our face. But the dusk comes and cannot be denied. We yield to the inevitable and loosen our grip, holding on to a candle’s flame of light that keeps the memories alive. There is also a deep pride that swells in her heart when she sees this separate human being she helped create radiate independence, perseverance and strength apart from her. As much as she wants to claim those traits as the dregs of her teachings, she sees that her child learned in spite of her meddling and chuckles. “Thank God.” Some paths to this day of independence were well laid and executed much like meticulously following the directions for a complicated Lego structure. Others, like mine, well… we threw away the directions long ago and merrily (sometimes f...

Fiddling Around with the Fine Arts

The very first Theatre class I taught at Michigan State cuffed me with the startling revelation that few, if any, of my bright eyed but moderately talented students would ever make it to Broadway.  So why continue teaching Theatre? Many people are under the false assumption that the study of Theatre is only for those interested in a career in entertainment. Whereas I did follow the professional path for years, I have come to see what the Masters have known for millenniums: Theatre is a reflection of life with valuable lessons on every page for everyone. For that reason, every year I disrupt my busy schedule of running my business, and teaching as an adjunct professor at UNC-FSU, to collaborate with a colleague to direct their Middle School musical. This year that musical is Fiddler on the Roof .  The timing could not be more perfect, as this year also the State legislation has proposed a cut in education urging the defunding of teachers in the Fine Arts. After all...