Give it a GO - Tidbits for a New Year of Authentic Living

We are either moving forward or moving backwards. Nothing in the Universe is stagnant. We crave security but we also crave change. Honor the dichotomy with humor and faith. God’s got your back. Give it a go. Stop saying; ”I’m Fine.” It’s been a cop-out phrase for too long. There are some things that need to change in life to get us to where we want to be; mentally, physically, socially, artistically, spiritually, and monetarily. We are NOT fine if we are not where we want to be in those areas. Changes need to be made. We alone can make those changes by our everyday choices. Each individual choice will bring us closer to the changes or keep us from them. Stay in in present. Choose judiciously every single time. Give it a Go. No, you not going to feel like making the needed changes. No one ever does. Its not about ‘feeling’, its about Action. Give it a Go. Ask yourself the question: “What is the worst thing that could possibly happen if I take this risk?” I...