Give it a GO - Tidbits for a New Year of Authentic Living
We are either moving forward or moving backwards. Nothing in
the Universe is stagnant. We crave
security but we also crave change. Honor the dichotomy with humor and
faith. God’s got your back. Give it a

No, you not going to feel like making the needed changes. No
one ever does. Its not about ‘feeling’, its about Action. Give it a Go.
Ask yourself the question: “What is the worst thing that
could possibly happen if I take this risk?”
If the life of a small child is not at stake, its most likely ok to Give it a Go.
Its Ok to make mistakes.
Everyone does. Even big stupid blunders. Say “I’m sorry” and move on. Just learn the lesson so you don’t
do it again. Goes two ways too. When
someone makes a mistake at your expense and does you wrong, forgive them as it
sets you free. Then be judicious about letting them back into your life. Give
it a go.
Remember, the smartest and most capable people are not in
charge of some very important decisions that will affect your life. No, it’s
not fair, but it is life. Don’t take it personally. They have lessons to learn in the situation. So do you. Don’t get upset. Don’t
try to get even. Don’t bitch and moan
about it as it will only make you look the fool. Get creative and find a way
around them or for heavens sake have the courage to walk away. Remember you are
not the only note on the page and look for the directive meant for your life. Give
it a Go.
If God put a ‘period’ at the end of a chapter in your life,
accept it and don’t keep trying to turn it into a ‘question mark.’ Let it GO
and move forward. Cut bait with forgiveness, grace and love. Celebrate the past
and all its accomplishments. Remember the incredible impacts you made on peoples live for the good. Those gifts are your legacy and no one can ever take them from you. Give a
prayer of gratitude for the lives impacted as a result of those days. Then turn away and move to new opportunities
put in front of you. They are there for a reason. Give it Go.
Start your day with a peace filled meditation and a good
reading. Don’t steal this year from yourself by your fear or wounded-ness. There
is a way out. There is help available. Excuses
turn into stagnation that will eventually destroy you – albeit it may take decades. Remember that Jesus told us: “The thief comes
only in order to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have and
enjoy life, and have it in abundance [to the full, till it overflows].” Stand up. Take Action. Challenge and deny
excuses. Be brave. Allow the abundance to find you. Give it a Go.
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