I killed my husband’s favorite dog. We had been dating 4 months and he had left me in charge of locking Shiloh in his cage when I left for work as he would not be back until after I had gone. Seeing that the garage was dark and the cage old, I did the best I could to secure Shiloh as I left for school. Upon my return, I opened the garage door and much to my surprise, there stood Shiloh at the garage opening posing a ‘Call of the Wild’ stance. Indeed, he was part wild - this stunningly beautiful White Huskey with steel-blue eyes that were distant as sapphires under a sea of ice. He was now free not about to be subdued. It was a standoff to be sure – and by the looks of it, I was sure to lose. Jim had told many a story of Shiloh’s reluctance to join the pack after he was rescued. He often had thwarted Shiloh’s escapes by the keen ex-Army Ranger trapping skills. I had to think fast – instead, I froze in fear as I knew how much this dog meant to Jim. You see, what first ...