The Tricky Wickets of Emotions

👿 “I AM NOT ANGRY!” He furiously exhaled the words with a clenched jaw, his throbbing jugular vein was pounding in his neck with eyes all squinty as if the sun was burning his face. Yet there he was, professing to be calm. He had just come from what sounded like a fun family outing and yet everyone had gotten on his nerves – especially his mother. On the inhale he professed to be at total peace and acceptance with all of them (uh huh) and then he went back to the exhale with more of the same rage about their behavior. This man’s emotions were clouded not only for that event, but unfortunately, his entire life was filled with anger. I mean nothing was going to make this poor man happy. All women were users. Charity events for truly unfortunate irritated him as there were just too many of them. Traffic was always bad. His boss always got things wrong, the dogs barked too much, and his church sang the wrong music. Etc. etc. etc. “I AM NOT ANGRY” That is wha...