2015 - Happy New New Year

This is going to be a special year for me - a milestone year. I am turning 60. In May... God willing. Cinderella grew up in her 50’s and I wouldn’t trade one tear for the lessons learned.  Greif and loss has a way of destroying pride – if you let it.  The phoenix rises however from those ashes reborn with greater compassion – once again, if you let it.

 I paid so much attention to others in my 50’s that I really didn’t see myself age.  What – are you blind??  To a point – yea I was. Hard to focus of self when one is a caretaker of so many in life and death situations.  Especially when most of them died. But that is life. Now I can focus on me. (oh she says with trepidation a life does have a way of laughing at plans). 

To grow old is a privilege not given to all. And there is a difference between growing older and becoming and elder.  I am dedicating this year to learning to become the later. As I age I want to be a light down the path for others to follow. A safe haven for the hurting, inspiration for the younger souls and the promise that Hope is not a pipedream but an actual force that survives the darkest of nights. Granted, not every story has a happy ending but without Hope one doesn’t stand a chance.
I cannot help others become all they want to be without first getting my own padoopy in a pile however, so that is where I begin.  Prioritize list:  Family, Spiritual, Physical, Mental, Professional, Fiscal, Creative and lastly Recreational.

There are three of us in my family: Me, Luke my son and Jim my husband. I am blessed they love each other and are forging a relationship of respect and caring. I will continue to love and support them both. I resolve to let the past haunts fade back into the shadows as I just smell the roses in my little garden – oh and I resolve to keep my piddies off their thorns and only focus on their blooms.  Which are many – many many many many more than the tiny thorns... many. I thank God for them every day as they are my WHY. Without them – you know…

Spiritual: Simple as always.  To continue to let my love be stronger than my belief system. In every situation ask: Is this a loving thing to do? Resolve: Always choose Love. Forgiveness and Love. But also to stay out the way of the crazies. They do me no good and I have learned that being a loving person does not mean being around those who abuse you or who do not have your best interests in mind.

Physical:  Ok – here is the tricky wicket. My genetic make-up says I should be breaking down, getting fat (er), looking forward to a cane in my 60’s.  I have come to understand through my research however that genetics play only 20% in one’s demise.  Lifestyle choices are the key. Those in the wheelchairs before me were foodies and inactive.  Nice people mind you – however.  I am a foodie and lazy as my big chair is so comfy.  I am also a dang clutz so any past attempt at workout classes was harmful to my pride. However I have a choice.  Excuses or Action. My son goes to the gym every day to work out without fail. He is goading me to do the same and I resolve to do so.  Maybe not the gym every day but at least a 2 mile walk, lifting hand weights, First Health is close by. I will take 1 Zumba Gold class a week and 2 free self workouts complete with 2 swimming workout classes (can’t fall down in water - grin) and the stationary bike until the weather gets warmer and I can break pedal outside. I need to lose 20 pounds and going on a diet is not going to cut it with me. I need to change my forever eating habits, (anxiety/eat, joy/eat, bored/eat, oh look what’s on the table/eat – you get the picture)  I resolve to eat to live instead of live to eat.  Portion control.  Three cups of ice cream is not a 120 calorie portion.  A ½ cup is a portion and a 12inch plate is for decoration – not meals – back to the 8 inch ones. Wine is Ok.  Wine every night is not - for me at least. Wine at special date nights seems a good idea. Two 180 Shakes and a sensible meal will become a lifestyle and all else will seem like gluttony.  My goal and resolve.  Yes I want to lose weight because I am vain but going into my 60’s I am choosing to have a healthy strong body first and let the weight find its own plateau At least that is my plan.

Mental:   Sanity and a good sense of humor.  Mindworks is helping so with my memory and focus - I am just too grateful for that discovery. Reading, researching, creative projects, singing and laughing all positive choices should keep me active and productive. And Happy. Happy thoughts always.  Gratitude is the attitude for joy.

Professional:  Growing my Shaklee business is paramount this year and takes priority over my part time teaching gig at the U.. I have been given a great Legacy gift from my mother – a business that offers an opportunity for anyone to have great health and wellness, not to mention a wonderful income of one’s choosing. These past two years were about learning the ropes and had to learn some hard lessons about myself and others – and had to learn how to be a business person as it is far different than being a teacher.  But I do teach in this field too and I am marrying my past life with my new one. Goal: develop two new Directors - people who want to make a career (part or full) helping others get healthy and see their dreams come true. I mean dag, I have well over PM PV - just need three more people.  Get a move on girl!!

Fiscal: live according to my needs and not my wants.  Enough said.

Creative:  I need to write more.  After mom died the pen went silent also.  Creativity bent to grief whereas it should have been its outlet. Resolve: Up early by myself as I used to do and allow the words an exit.

Recreational:  Play is good.  I think I forgot how to play and forgot its importance. I golfed in my 40’s.  I was laughable and never made it through more than nine holes. We scored with happy faces, straight faces and sad faces – so much easier on the ego. But it was fun to enjoy a pretty day with girlfriends, drink coffee and giggle as we whacked away planting daisy seeds in our divots. I think I will dust off the clubs. And No Luke, you can’t have my National bag. My friend Rebecca has horses and always asks me to ride with her.  It’s time to get back in the saddle.  Literally. Safely. Maybe I’ll just join her in the cart… not so far to fall.

Well there you go... Much more information that you’ll over need to know about my year to come. Best to you and your new year.  May you always see God’s hand present in your comings and goings and may you experience peace, lessons to make you a better person, and love beyond measure so you can truly feel your worth.


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