Life Lesson #487493

When one has been hurt by another, the usual recourse is to evoke the wrath of the gods down on their head.  It’s a natural reaction called rage – which lives about a mile and a half down the road from anger.  Biblical box office material at its best. RE: It feels good – temporarily.  But it’s a useless waste of energy and robs one of peace. New Testament truth triumphs Old Testament again. Rats!  

Alas, late at night as you are still stewing over clever revenge tactics and snarky repartees, it dawns on you that the one who caused your insomnia is probably getting a good night sleep. They still win!! Dang - Time to get serious. Time to get conscious really.

You've heard forgiveness is the only way out, and indeed you want to forgive and let it all go,  but you just can’t.  You really try. I mean really really try - it just won’t come. 

Let’s face it, we are old enough to realize repression is not forgiveness. You know what I mean - you tell yourself you have forgiven them but instead you have just stuffed the feelings. It’s like blowing up a beach ball with hot hangover breath air and thrusting it under the water to keep you afloat in the ocean. Works for a few minutes until another wave comes along and tips you over. Then Blam!  The ball surfaces and smacks you in the face. Some people keep this insane dance going on for life.  I have found it easier to just unplug that stinky ball and let the air out. Easier said than done.

In cases like this (and I’ve had a few – trust me) I have learned to pray for that person’s Highest Good.   It’s called Affirmative Prayer and it gives peace because it reflects the certainty that we are all each being led to our highest good, despite any temporary appearances.

If we are honest, we all know we all have lessons to learn.  We are all each other teachers – if we are open to that concept. I truly believe in Karma - if they don’t have any coming then who am I to call harm to them? That’s bad joojoo for me and I have the greatest respect for Karma or using the biblical term; Law of the Harvest. I’ve had my butt kicked a few times too - well deserved I might add.

Let’s face it, God is going to do what He wants. We can’t bargain with the Universe - just too big. But praying in deep desire for that persona’s Highest Good frees us to find a path to peace and healing. It reminds us we are not all knowing and omnipotent. Everyone can use a good dose of Humble every now and then. A prayer for the Higher Good in all our situations helps us surrender of our anger and move closer to the Peace of God that we all seek. 

And for those who are still a little skeptical – Karma may move slow, but it always finds its mark. That little gem in both Testaments.


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